Door Windows and Glazing Frames
We happily took the increased demand for cost-effective square-cut glazing frames as a motivation to expand our standard range.
As a result, we produce glazing frames as both triangular and quadrilateral forms. You can choose between rounded mitre corners (radius 5 mm) or round corners (radius on the frame 44.5 mm). The size and shape of the viewing window cannot be changed.
The glazing frames are produced exclusively in stainless steel with the familiar A, B and C mounting styles.
Of course, we are continuing to produce glazing frames in special sizes and shapes. These can be produced with round corners, as well as mitre-cut corners.

PDF files for door windows and glazing frames (in german language only)
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Door Windows – Glazing Frame A
The invisible screw fitting of our door windows provides a smooth, easy-care surface of the frames.
For technical reasons, the side length cannot be more than 15.5 mm. The clearance for the seal must be 2 to 3 mm.

Door Windows – Glazing Frame B
The flush inset screws are visible on one side as a design element .
For technical reasons, the side length cannot be more than 15.5 mm. The clearance for the seal must be 2 to 3 mm.

Door Windows – Glazing Frame C
The flush inset screws are visible on both sides as a design element .
For technical reasons, the side length cannot be more than 15.5 mm. The clearance for the seal must be 2 to 3 mm.